
I went kayaking in monterey bay this weekend. It was really cool. I was in a double with my cuz Heather in the back. We paddled 1.5 miles to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, where a baby harbor seal decided to flop up onto one of our kayaks and take a nap. This was kind of a problem, as there is something like a 20,000 dollar fine for changing the natural behavior patterns of protected wildlife. A guide that was with a big group af kayakers helped us get the seal off, and we went the 1.5 miles back to the beach. After that we got clam chowder and taffy. Now that I've been in the water there, I think I'd like to go diving sometime in the kelp forests.

On an interesting side note, I recently found out that John Kerry played bass for a band called The Electras. You can now order a reissue of their first album online. Here's a sample of the Democratic Presidential Cantidate rocking out. Find out more at KerryRocks.com. Also, this is a good place to plug Johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.com since I love the url.


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