
Having a great trip here on Curacao!'
I'm posting from an internet terminal at the Lion's dive hotel.
I'm on my way to becoming an Advanced open water diver. All i have to do is a Night Dive to recieve my certification.

The weather is great here, and it's very relaxing and fun. We have dinner at a different restaraunt every night, which is fun.

I'm on a time limit so i gotta go. Happy new years!


I'm posting from my hotel room in Miami, Florida.
We slept here last night and will be departing shortly to Curacao.
Last night we ate at the 94th Aerosquadron, which was quite a treat. The one near my house closed, so we rarely get a chance to go. And they make the best french onion soup.

This may be the last time I'm able to get online, so adieu for what should be ~1 week.


[root@world ]$ cd home
[root@world home]$ mv eliot.hmn /world/neth_antil/curacao/
[root@world curacao]$ ls
[root@world curacao]$ scuba --advanced *.hmn

I will be gone the following week to the island of Curacao, in the netherlands antilles. This will be my second trip there. On my first trip, I got my PADI Open Water Scuba Certification. On my return trip, I will be (hopefully) earning an Advanced Open Water Certification.


Minor updates to Bio, Projects, and Contact. Homepage version changed to 2.3.
Moonlighting (212 Mb) moved from Misc to Film.

In the process of consolidating the netscape-frindly and internet explorer-specific menus into one. I might even get rid of the frames option altogether. Please comment with thoughts and/or suggestions.
I tweaked the comment pop-up a little to match my whole eliot's homepage/blog/matrixy color scheme. Everything fits except for the fact that I can't change the colors of the bars on the top and bottom of the window. Nuts.
Oh well, it still looks decent.


Happy Hannukah/Channukah/Hannuka/Hanuka/Chanookah/Hawnoookq/Quexocaotl to my he-bros over at crapmont high.
My Procrastination poster arrived on time, and I saved a whopping sixteen cents with Despair, Inc.'s %1 off holiday sale! Wow!

My cuz Karen is visiting all the way from San Diego. We have some fun stuff planned up until wednesday, when I fly to Curacao. w00t.

On a technical note, my laptop almost died today. Well, not really, but when I pressed the power button, jack shit happened. I started getting freaked out.
Luckily, my dad was on hand, and we found out that the problem was in my power transformer. The cord had been frayed for quite some time, but now it was gone completely, so he jumped it with an alligator cable.


Just ordered the Procrastination poster from Despair, Inc.

Those of you who have perused the archives, or loyal followers (a.k.a. Neight) may remember me mentioning this company earlier. The only difference is now I have a credit card.


Good news! I've been working with my cousin Heather on a new project: The International Films Collection (working title). We are working to digitally remaster many of the original films made by my dad and my uncle Alan on their old Super-8 camera.

Unfortunately, this means that more recent films produced under the International Films name will have to wait to be digitized, edited, and uploaded onto EDS. However, I'll see what I can do about getting the Collection online when it is finished. More news to come.


I've decided to drop German this simester and re-take the first simester next simester. This is quite a relief-one less thing on my mind.

I might be working this weekend to get more films online, including such classics as James Bond Jr. and Indiana Jones and the Helmet of the Cannibals.


Looks like the comment feature is working.

I have a German test tonight. I haven't attended class for close to a month and have a stack of work I need to complete by tonight, so I'm totally screwed. I might have to wind up re-taking the first simester, which would suck royally. I wouldn't be the only one, though.


I've decided to try the BlogBack comment system. Please make a comment on the latest post so I can see if it's working with other people's computers. Thanks!


Moved Road from Misc to Film.
New directory created today:

Four new movies uploaded to Film:


An amusing piece I just ran across, dated 11/7/02:

Wow, I had a terrible time getting home today.
I had to repack my backpack so the papers wouldn�t get wet, and walk over a mile in the bloody downpour, managing to soak both my feet in the gutter runoff. When I got home, I decided to take a long bath. After I got out (having received several calls during the bath), I was called by my dad asking about dinner. I suggested we make Chicken Kiev. I went out to the garage, still in my boxers, to get the Kievs, closing the door behind me to keep the dog inside. Once I had grabbed the food, I went back up and tried to open the door. There is only one day in where the handle to the door is locked, and that is Thursday. Just my luck.

I grabbed a shirt and pants off the clothesline and decided to look for the extra key. Shoeless, I trudged uphill in the mud to the spot where we keep the key, only to find the key was missing. Perfect.

I downed a soda and proceeded down the muddy slope to my backyard, fumbling with the lock on the gate. I was wet and angry as I returned to the garage, hopeless. I was growing upset and bored, when a thought dawned on me. My dog was still inside. I scampered from the garage to my back door and looked through the dog flap. After repeatedly calling him, he finally appeared, and fled almost immediately.

After repeated attempts, my dog finally grew convinced it was okay to come outside. I was happy, and we retreated to the garage. As I was playing with my dog, a sudden realization came to my mind. My backpack contained an extra key to the house, but my backpack was in the house.

A look through the dog door revealed that my backpack was indeed on the other side of the door, just out of my reach. I went back to the garage, disappointed. Just then, I noticed a pole lying in a cobwebby corner of the garage. I picked it up and headed toward my back door, determined. After several attempts, I managed to loop a strap around the pole. I tried to bring the backpack closer, but it wouldn't budge.

I decided, instead of pulling it, to try to lever the backpack up and bring the pole in. The backpack was too far away for me to be able to get any good leverage without another length of pole, but I managed to keep it in the air long enough to bring it closer to the dog door.

I reached through and firmly grasped a strap. I'd almost done it! I hoisted the backpack up against the dog door, and opened up the front pouch zipper. I felt along the cord in the inside, and there it was. I pulled out the key. I tried to put the key in the lock, but the cord wasn't long enough. Simply solved. I detached the length of cord holding the key, inserted it into the lock, and turned.

Ha ha ha ha ha! I triumphantly marched up to the garage door and let the dog back through. Unlocking the handle of the garage door, I picked up the Kievs, closed both doors to the outside, attached a key to my wrist, and started preheating the oven to 400 degrees.
My Cardboard Tube Samurai shirt finally came in the mail. w00t.
The Grenada Project is finally over. I should be uploading it to EDS soon for your viewing pleasure.
I'm fiddling with compression in an attempt to create a quicktime file which won't be a nightmare to download.

Also, we should be taking Gamma Squad off the back-burner very soon. We'll be heading the production under the banner our newly christened studio, "Catman do Films".


I've been contemplating adding a "comment" feature for a while. If I wind up implementing such a feature, It would allow readers such as yourself or Neight to basically piss on my entries. I'll keep you informed if I wind up going through with it.


I like The Red Hot Chili Peppers as long as they aren't trying to "get on top". I wound up taking their song "Road Trippin'" and using it as music for some driving footage I found last month on an old Hi-8 tape. What you wind up with is Road, a two minute short from yours truly. Let's go get lost.